Sunday, September 07, 2008


Imagine owning your own island. 63 acres of island off the West Coast of Ireland in fact. Imagine that when you bought it, the only buildings were the remains of some stone cottages inhabitated over a hundred years ago and a little stone jetty: no running water, no power. That is what Nadim Sadek, the owner of Inishturkbeg did. He has spent the last four years turning it into an amazing place for companies to get away, for large parties to holiday and for his family to get away. And what's more he is giving it an identity, which was created by my new employer, Coley Porter Bell. It hasn't been officially launched yet so I daren't post anything prematurely. I will do in time. Instead, here are some pictures of the weekend we spent there as part of a thank you from Nadim.

This is the view from the Pavilion of the jetty:

And the sunset from the main house:

And a different view from the main house the next morning:

And the small motor boat dropping us off on a nearby island for in the afternoon. The weather had deteriorated a little.

A great couple of days, and what's more, a great idea.

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