Monday, October 20, 2008

The Native American and The 15th Century Clock Tower

Native American pan-piper plays in front of 15th Century English church. One for the cultural benefits of our globalised era then.

This clock tower had a mechanical clock from the beginning, a great rarity at the time. It also was used by the Admiralty as a semaphore station in the Napoleonic wars. It only took 5 minutes to relay a message to, or from, Yamounth. Faster than a slow email then! I wonder if the Native Americans could send smoke signals that quickly. Perhaps there is a kindship between the Native Americans and the Clock Tower in St. Albans after all, with early long distance messaging being the common thread.

By the way, as lovely as pan-pipes may be in the Andes, I have a particular loathing for them when accompanied by a pre-recorded backing track of AOR.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, well, sure you like it in St.Albans, but I seem to remember you weren't so impressed with the Guatemalans in the Baltimore I detect some Eurocentrism, Christian? And don't think I'm not searching high and low for a cd of pan pipes to send you for xmas...because I most certainly am.....I know deep down you crave it...
