Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coley Porter Bell Red Nose Cross Dress Day

One of the things I like about Coley Porter Bell is dress up Friday. Not because I am in inveterate dresser upper but because it is done out of a such a good spirit. It is not a management directive, somebody makes a suggestion and if there is enough momentum for the idea around the office, people dress up. Some of the themes from the past have been "posh" Friday (when a chap with a double barrelled name was leaving), "chav" Friday (chavs were invented when I was away but it seems to be an update of Essex man/woman - all sheeny track suits and bling), "animal" Friday (dress as animal of your choice) and "accident" Friday (look like you have had an accident).

This Friday was cross dress Friday, and we did it for Red Nose Day. Here is the group picture:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe you went as Jen Kohl. Admirable.